by Paul Wood | Nov 17, 2020
StepNpull - Hireco Customer TestimonialStepNpull – Hireco Testimonial, Essex We were asked by StepNpull to assist with their ongoing marketing activities including creating video content to be used across their website and online channels. A key part of this was...
by Paul Wood | May 22, 2020
Konica Minolta - Billy Bizhub Logistics VideoKonica Minolta, Basildon, Essex We were approached to create an internal film to explain to employees and board members what went into certain internal processes. This film needed to be highly engaging as it would be shown...
by Paul Wood | May 20, 2020
Annas Eskander - EYVA Graphic Novel InterviewAnnas Eskander, Sci-fi and fantasy fiction Writer We were asked by Annas to film a promotional film to help launch her Graphic Novel EYVA onto the crowdfund website Indigogo. We hired a studio location to film with Annas to...
by Paul Wood | May 20, 2020
Leonard Gray - Estate Agents Free Valuation VideoLeonard Gray Estate Agents, Chelmsford, Essex We created this promo video for Leonard Gray Estate Agents to help with a promotion of free valuations. Forming part of an online campaign to attract new valuations and...
by Paul Wood | May 20, 2020
Life Chiropractic - Wickford Recruitment VideoLife Chiropractic Clinics, Wickford, Essex We created this recruitment video to engage with new potential chiropractors for the Wickford clinic. The business owner Stefan wanted to give people a real feel for what...
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